Thursday, December 6, 2012

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Susan Warren, Ohio 'Cleaning Fairy,' Pleads Guilty To Attempted Burglary, Awaits Sentencing

Susan Warren, Ohio 'Cleaning Fairy,' Pleads Guilty To Attempted Burglary, Awaits Sentencing

The 53-year-old Warren told authorities that she was driving by the house and "wanted something to do." She broke in, washed some coffee cups, took out the trash, vacuumed and dusted inside the house. Then she left a bill written on a napkin that included her phone number.

Sunday, August 26, 2012


scrubbing brush lightly and then slowly wipe it off, dont scrub too much because it will effect it. put some fairy liquid on a sponge or a towel or cloth

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

  1. Whenever possible, use existing campsites. Camp on durable surfaces and place tents campingon a non-vegetated area. Do not dig trenches around tents.
  2. Camp a least 200 feet from water, trails and other campsites.
  3. Pack out what you pack in. Carry a trash bag and pick up litter left by others.
  4. Repackage snacks and food in baggies. This reduces weight and the amount of trash to carry out.
  5. For cooking, consider using a camp stove instead of a campfire. Camp stoves leave less of an impact on the land.
  6. Observe all fire restrictions. If you must build a fire—use existing fire rings, build a mound fire, or use a fire pan. Use only fallen timber for campfires. Do not cut standing trees. Clear a 10-foot diameter area around the site by removing any grass, twigs, leaves and extra firewood. Also make sure there aren’t any tree limbs or flammable objects hanging overhead.
  7. Allow the wood to burn down to a fine ash, if possible. Pour water on the fire and drown all embers until the hissing sound stops. Stir the campfire ashes and embers until everything is wet and cold to the touch. If you don’t have water, use dirt.
  8. Detergents, toothpaste and soap harm fish and other aquatic life. Wash 200 feet away from streams and lakes. Scatter gray water so it filters through the soil.
  9. In areas without toilets, use a portable latrine if possible, and pack out your waste. If you don’t have a portable latrine, you may need to bury your waste. Human waste should be disposed of in a shallow hole six to eight inches deep at least 200 feet from water sources, campsites or trails. Cover and disguise the hole with natural materials. It is recommended to pack out your toilet paper. High use areas may have other restrictions, so check with a land manager.
  • i think this is very useful inormation because i'm gunna use it when i go camping!
  • Sunday, February 26, 2012

    How To Keep Your Carpets Looking New!

    Method 1 :
    Hot Water Extraction or "Steam" Cleaning
    In this method, hot water cleaning solution is sprayed on the carpet and immediately extracted (along with the dissolved soil) by a wet vacuum. Extraction equipment can be portable or truck-mounted, the latter being more powerful in terms of spray pressure, heating capabilities and power of the vacuum pumps. Hot water extraction is often referred to as "steam" cleaning. In actuality this is a misnomer as the temperature of the heated solution never reaches the point to generate steam
    Method 2 :
    In this process, the cleaning solution is showered onto the carpet through several openings in a circular brush. The rotary action of the brush whips the detergent into a foam and provides agitation or rubbing action on the carpet. This suspends the soil, and the wet/dry vacuuming that follows removes it.
    Method 3 :
    Dry (Absorbent Compound) Cleaning
    In this process the cleaning agent, an absorbent dry compound (containing solvents and detergents) is sprinkled on the carpet and worked into the pile by a machine. It is vacuumed off after about half an hour, removing the soil suspended by the compound.